Dr. Stefano Mangiola is currently a Postdoctoral researcher in the laboratory of Prof. Tony Papenfuss at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Melbourne, Australia. His background spans from biotechnology to bioinformatics and biostatistics. His research focuses on prostate and breast tumour microenvironment, the development of statistical models for the analysis of RNA sequencing data, and data analysis and visualisation interfaces.
operations possible with
and tidySingleCellExperiment
representation, and tidy
with tidy manipulation and
single-cell methods compared with base/ad-hoc
# Load packages
Seurat is a very popular analysis toolkit for single cell RNA sequencing data (Butler et al. 2018; Stuart et al. 2019).
Here we load single-cell data in Seurat object format. This data is peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from metastatic breast cancer patients.
# load single cell RNA sequencing data
seurat_obj <- LoveMangiola2022tidytranscriptomics::seurat_obj
# take a look
## An object of class Seurat
## 3006 features across 33215 samples within 2 assays
## Active assay: SCT (6 features, 0 variable features)
## 1 other assay present: RNA
## 1 dimensional reduction calculated: umap
tidyseurat provides a bridge between the Seurat single-cell package and the tidyverse (Wickham et al. 2019). It creates an invisible layer that enables viewing the Seurat object as a tidyverse tibble, and provides Seurat-compatible dplyr, tidyr, ggplot and plotly functions.
If we load the tidyseurat package and then view the single cell data, it now displays as a tibble.
## # A Seurat-tibble abstraction: 33,215 × 18
## # Features=6 | Cells=33215 | Active assay=SCT | Assays=RNA, SCT
## .cell file sampl…¹ sample Barcode batch BCB S.Score G2M.S…² Phase curat…³
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
## 1 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAACGA… 1 BCB1… 0.0620 -0.0972 S CD4+_T…
## 2 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAACGC… 1 BCB1… 0.0943 -0.193 S CD8+_h…
## 3 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAACGC… 1 BCB1… 0.0216 -0.124 S CD4+_T…
## 4 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGAA… 1 BCB1… 0.0598 -0.196 S MAIT
## 5 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGGA… 1 BCB1… 0.0281 -0.0540 S CD8+_h…
## 6 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGGG… 1 BCB1… 0.0110 -0.0998 S MAIT
## 7 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGGG… 1 BCB1… 0.0341 -0.143 S CD8+_h…
## 8 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGTC… 1 BCB1… 0.0425 -0.183 S MAIT
## 9 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGTC… 1 BCB1… -0.0289 -0.127 G1 CD8+_h…
## 10 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGTG… 1 BCB1… -0.0551 -0.102 G1 CD8+_h…
## # … with 33,205 more rows, 7 more variables: nCount_RNA <dbl>,
## # nFeature_RNA <int>, nCount_SCT <dbl>, nFeature_SCT <int>, treatment <fct>,
## # UMAP_1 <dbl>, UMAP_2 <dbl>, and abbreviated variable names ¹sample_id,
## # ²G2M.Score, ³curated_cell_type
If we want to revert to the standard SingleCellExperiment view we can do that.
options("restore_Seurat_show" = TRUE)
## An object of class Seurat
## 3006 features across 33215 samples within 2 assays
## Active assay: SCT (6 features, 0 variable features)
## 1 other assay present: RNA
## 1 dimensional reduction calculated: umap
If we want to revert back to tidy SingleCellExperiment view we can.
options("restore_Seurat_show" = FALSE)
## # A Seurat-tibble abstraction: 33,215 × 18
## # Features=6 | Cells=33215 | Active assay=SCT | Assays=RNA, SCT
## .cell file sampl…¹ sample Barcode batch BCB S.Score G2M.S…² Phase curat…³
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
## 1 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAACGA… 1 BCB1… 0.0620 -0.0972 S CD4+_T…
## 2 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAACGC… 1 BCB1… 0.0943 -0.193 S CD8+_h…
## 3 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAACGC… 1 BCB1… 0.0216 -0.124 S CD4+_T…
## 4 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGAA… 1 BCB1… 0.0598 -0.196 S MAIT
## 5 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGGA… 1 BCB1… 0.0281 -0.0540 S CD8+_h…
## 6 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGGG… 1 BCB1… 0.0110 -0.0998 S MAIT
## 7 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGGG… 1 BCB1… 0.0341 -0.143 S CD8+_h…
## 8 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGTC… 1 BCB1… 0.0425 -0.183 S MAIT
## 9 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGTC… 1 BCB1… -0.0289 -0.127 G1 CD8+_h…
## 10 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGTG… 1 BCB1… -0.0551 -0.102 G1 CD8+_h…
## # … with 33,205 more rows, 7 more variables: nCount_RNA <dbl>,
## # nFeature_RNA <int>, nCount_SCT <dbl>, nFeature_SCT <int>, treatment <fct>,
## # UMAP_1 <dbl>, UMAP_2 <dbl>, and abbreviated variable names ¹sample_id,
## # ²G2M.Score, ³curated_cell_type
It can be interacted with using Seurat
commands such as Assays
## [1] "RNA" "SCT"
We can also interact with our object as we do with any tidyverse tibble.
We can use tidyverse commands, such as filter
and mutate
to explore the tidyseurat
object. Some examples are shown below and more can be seen at the
tidyseurat website here.
We can use filter
to choose rows, for example, to see
just the rows for the cells in G1 cell-cycle stage. Check if have groups
or ident present.
seurat_obj |> filter(Phase == "G1")
## # A Seurat-tibble abstraction: 18,141 × 18
## # Features=6 | Cells=18141 | Active assay=SCT | Assays=RNA, SCT
## .cell file sampl…¹ sample Barcode batch BCB S.Score G2M.Sc…² Phase
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 1_AAAGTCCGT… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGTC… 1 BCB1… -0.0289 -0.127 G1
## 2 1_AAAGTGAGT… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGTG… 1 BCB1… -0.0551 -0.102 G1
## 3 1_AAATGGACA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAATGG… 1 BCB1… -0.0207 -0.0602 G1
## 4 1_AAATGGACA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAATGG… 1 BCB1… -0.0195 -0.00881 G1
## 5 1_AACAACCAG… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AACAAC… 1 BCB1… -0.0421 -0.197 G1
## 6 1_AACAACCTC… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AACAAC… 1 BCB1… -0.0105 -0.0902 G1
## 7 1_AACACACAG… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AACACA… 1 BCB1… -0.0164 -0.132 G1
## 8 1_AACAGGGGT… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AACAGG… 1 BCB1… -0.00158 -0.0652 G1
## 9 1_AACCAACAG… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AACCAA… 1 BCB1… -0.00504 -0.135 G1
## 10 1_AACGGGAAG… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AACGGG… 1 BCB1… -0.00701 -0.0919 G1
## # … with 18,131 more rows, 8 more variables: curated_cell_type <chr>,
## # nCount_RNA <dbl>, nFeature_RNA <int>, nCount_SCT <dbl>, nFeature_SCT <int>,
## # treatment <fct>, UMAP_1 <dbl>, UMAP_2 <dbl>, and abbreviated variable names
## # ¹sample_id, ²G2M.Score
We can use select
to choose columns, for example, to see
the sample, cell, total cellular RNA
seurat_obj |> select(.cell, nCount_RNA, Phase)
## # A Seurat-tibble abstraction: 33,215 × 5
## # Features=6 | Cells=33215 | Active assay=SCT | Assays=RNA, SCT
## .cell nCount_RNA Phase UMAP_1 UMAP_2
## <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1_AAACGAACAAAGGCAC-1 1485 S 2.56 -2.99
## 2 1_AAACGCTCATGAATAG-1 2460 S -3.32 -3.84
## 3 1_AAACGCTTCTTGGATG-1 1739 S 2.51 -3.15
## 4 1_AAAGAACCAACGGCTC-1 2346 S -3.11 -0.166
## 5 1_AAAGGATTCCCGTTCA-1 763 S -3.50 -0.754
## 6 1_AAAGGGCAGGCATTTC-1 2001 S 1.54 -2.10
## 7 1_AAAGGGCCAGAGATTA-1 1907 S -3.20 -1.92
## 8 1_AAAGTCCAGTAACGAT-1 2239 S -4.03 0.347
## 9 1_AAAGTCCGTAATTAGG-1 1697 G1 -3.24 -3.48
## 10 1_AAAGTGAGTATGGGAC-1 2374 G1 -2.03 -3.56
## # … with 33,205 more rows
We also see the UMAP columns as they are not part of the cell metadata, they are read-only. If we want to save the edited metadata, the Seurat object is modified accordingly.
# Save edited metadata
seurat_modified <- seurat_obj |> select(.cell, nCount_RNA, Phase)
# View Seurat metadata
seurat_modified[[]] |> head()
## nCount_RNA Phase
We can use mutate
to create a column. For example, we
could create a new Phase_l
column that contains a
lower-case version of Phase
seurat_obj |>
mutate(Phase_l=tolower(Phase)) |>
# Select columns to view
select(.cell, Phase, Phase_l)
## # A Seurat-tibble abstraction: 33,215 × 5
## # Features=6 | Cells=33215 | Active assay=SCT | Assays=RNA, SCT
## .cell Phase Phase_l UMAP_1 UMAP_2
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1_AAACGAACAAAGGCAC-1 S s 2.56 -2.99
## 2 1_AAACGCTCATGAATAG-1 S s -3.32 -3.84
## 3 1_AAACGCTTCTTGGATG-1 S s 2.51 -3.15
## 4 1_AAAGAACCAACGGCTC-1 S s -3.11 -0.166
## 5 1_AAAGGATTCCCGTTCA-1 S s -3.50 -0.754
## 6 1_AAAGGGCAGGCATTTC-1 S s 1.54 -2.10
## 7 1_AAAGGGCCAGAGATTA-1 S s -3.20 -1.92
## 8 1_AAAGTCCAGTAACGAT-1 S s -4.03 0.347
## 9 1_AAAGTCCGTAATTAGG-1 G1 g1 -3.24 -3.48
## 10 1_AAAGTGAGTATGGGAC-1 G1 g1 -2.03 -3.56
## # … with 33,205 more rows
We can use tidyverse commands to polish an annotation column. We will extract the sample, and group information from the file name column into separate columns.
# First take a look at the file column
seurat_obj |> select(.cell, file)
## # A Seurat-tibble abstraction: 33,215 × 4
## # Features=6 | Cells=33215 | Active assay=SCT | Assays=RNA, SCT
## .cell file UMAP_1 UMAP_2
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1_AAACGAACAAAGGCAC-1 ../data/experiment_10X_260819/SI-GA-H1/ou… 2.56 -2.99
## 2 1_AAACGCTCATGAATAG-1 ../data/experiment_10X_260819/SI-GA-H1/ou… -3.32 -3.84
## 3 1_AAACGCTTCTTGGATG-1 ../data/experiment_10X_260819/SI-GA-H1/ou… 2.51 -3.15
## 4 1_AAAGAACCAACGGCTC-1 ../data/experiment_10X_260819/SI-GA-H1/ou… -3.11 -0.166
## 5 1_AAAGGATTCCCGTTCA-1 ../data/experiment_10X_260819/SI-GA-H1/ou… -3.50 -0.754
## 6 1_AAAGGGCAGGCATTTC-1 ../data/experiment_10X_260819/SI-GA-H1/ou… 1.54 -2.10
## 7 1_AAAGGGCCAGAGATTA-1 ../data/experiment_10X_260819/SI-GA-H1/ou… -3.20 -1.92
## 8 1_AAAGTCCAGTAACGAT-1 ../data/experiment_10X_260819/SI-GA-H1/ou… -4.03 0.347
## 9 1_AAAGTCCGTAATTAGG-1 ../data/experiment_10X_260819/SI-GA-H1/ou… -3.24 -3.48
## 10 1_AAAGTGAGTATGGGAC-1 ../data/experiment_10X_260819/SI-GA-H1/ou… -2.03 -3.56
## # … with 33,205 more rows
# Create columns for sample and group
seurat_obj <- seurat_obj |>
# Extract sample and group
extract(file, "sample", "../data/.*/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/outs.+", remove = FALSE)
# Take a look
seurat_obj |> select(.cell, sample)
## # A Seurat-tibble abstraction: 33,215 × 4
## # Features=6 | Cells=33215 | Active assay=SCT | Assays=RNA, SCT
## .cell sample UMAP_1 UMAP_2
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1_AAACGAACAAAGGCAC-1 SI-GA-H1 2.56 -2.99
## 2 1_AAACGCTCATGAATAG-1 SI-GA-H1 -3.32 -3.84
## 3 1_AAACGCTTCTTGGATG-1 SI-GA-H1 2.51 -3.15
## 4 1_AAAGAACCAACGGCTC-1 SI-GA-H1 -3.11 -0.166
## 5 1_AAAGGATTCCCGTTCA-1 SI-GA-H1 -3.50 -0.754
## 6 1_AAAGGGCAGGCATTTC-1 SI-GA-H1 1.54 -2.10
## 7 1_AAAGGGCCAGAGATTA-1 SI-GA-H1 -3.20 -1.92
## 8 1_AAAGTCCAGTAACGAT-1 SI-GA-H1 -4.03 0.347
## 9 1_AAAGTCCGTAATTAGG-1 SI-GA-H1 -3.24 -3.48
## 10 1_AAAGTGAGTATGGGAC-1 SI-GA-H1 -2.03 -3.56
## # … with 33,205 more rows
We could use tidyverse unite
to combine columns, for
example to create a new column for sample id that combines the sample
and patient identifier (BCB) columns.
seurat_obj <- seurat_obj |> unite("sample_id", sample, BCB, remove = FALSE)
# Take a look
seurat_obj |> select(.cell, sample_id, sample, BCB)
## # A Seurat-tibble abstraction: 33,215 × 6
## # Features=6 | Cells=33215 | Active assay=SCT | Assays=RNA, SCT
## .cell sample_id sample BCB UMAP_1 UMAP_2
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1_AAACGAACAAAGGCAC-1 SI-GA-H1_BCB102 SI-GA-H1 BCB102 2.56 -2.99
## 2 1_AAACGCTCATGAATAG-1 SI-GA-H1_BCB102 SI-GA-H1 BCB102 -3.32 -3.84
## 3 1_AAACGCTTCTTGGATG-1 SI-GA-H1_BCB102 SI-GA-H1 BCB102 2.51 -3.15
## 4 1_AAAGAACCAACGGCTC-1 SI-GA-H1_BCB102 SI-GA-H1 BCB102 -3.11 -0.166
## 5 1_AAAGGATTCCCGTTCA-1 SI-GA-H1_BCB102 SI-GA-H1 BCB102 -3.50 -0.754
## 6 1_AAAGGGCAGGCATTTC-1 SI-GA-H1_BCB102 SI-GA-H1 BCB102 1.54 -2.10
## 7 1_AAAGGGCCAGAGATTA-1 SI-GA-H1_BCB102 SI-GA-H1 BCB102 -3.20 -1.92
## 8 1_AAAGTCCAGTAACGAT-1 SI-GA-H1_BCB102 SI-GA-H1 BCB102 -4.03 0.347
## 9 1_AAAGTCCGTAATTAGG-1 SI-GA-H1_BCB102 SI-GA-H1 BCB102 -3.24 -3.48
## 10 1_AAAGTGAGTATGGGAC-1 SI-GA-H1_BCB102 SI-GA-H1 BCB102 -2.03 -3.56
## # … with 33,205 more rows
We will now demonstrate a real-world example of the power of using tidy transcriptomics packages in single cell analysis. For more information on single-cell analysis steps performed in a tidy way please see the ISMB2021 workshop.
The object seurat_obj
we’ve been using was created as
part of a study on breast cancer systemic immune response. Peripheral
blood mononuclear cells have been sequenced for RNA at the single-cell
level. The steps used to generate the object are summarised below.
, scater
, and
packages have been used to eliminate empty
droplets and dead cells. Samples were individually quality checked and
cells were filtered for good gene coverage.
Variable features were identified using
Read counts were scaled and normalised using SCTtransform from
Data integration was performed using Seurat
default parameters.
PCA performed to reduce feature dimensionality.
Nearest-neighbor cell networks were calculated using 30 principal components.
2 UMAP dimensions were calculated using 30 principal components.
Cells with similar transcriptome profiles were grouped into
clusters using Louvain clustering from Seurat
The researcher analysing this dataset wanted to to identify gamma delta T cells using a gene signature from a published paper (Pizzolato et al. 2019).
With tidyseurat’s join_features
the counts for the genes
could be viewed as columns.
seurat_obj |>
features = c("CD3D", "TRDC", "TRGC1", "TRGC2", "CD8A", "CD8B"),
shape = "wide",
assay = "SCT"
## # A Seurat-tibble abstraction: 33,215 × 24
## # Features=6 | Cells=33215 | Active assay=SCT | Assays=RNA, SCT
## .cell file sampl…¹ sample Barcode batch BCB S.Score G2M.S…² Phase curat…³
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
## 1 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAACGA… 1 BCB1… 0.0620 -0.0972 S CD4+_T…
## 2 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAACGC… 1 BCB1… 0.0943 -0.193 S CD8+_h…
## 3 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAACGC… 1 BCB1… 0.0216 -0.124 S CD4+_T…
## 4 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGAA… 1 BCB1… 0.0598 -0.196 S MAIT
## 5 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGGA… 1 BCB1… 0.0281 -0.0540 S CD8+_h…
## 6 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGGG… 1 BCB1… 0.0110 -0.0998 S MAIT
## 7 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGGG… 1 BCB1… 0.0341 -0.143 S CD8+_h…
## 8 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGTC… 1 BCB1… 0.0425 -0.183 S MAIT
## 9 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGTC… 1 BCB1… -0.0289 -0.127 G1 CD8+_h…
## 10 1_AAA… ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGTG… 1 BCB1… -0.0551 -0.102 G1 CD8+_h…
## # … with 33,205 more rows, 13 more variables: nCount_RNA <dbl>,
## # nFeature_RNA <int>, nCount_SCT <dbl>, nFeature_SCT <int>, treatment <fct>,
## # CD3D <dbl>, TRDC <dbl>, TRGC1 <dbl>, TRGC2 <dbl>, CD8A <dbl>, CD8B <dbl>,
## # UMAP_1 <dbl>, UMAP_2 <dbl>, and abbreviated variable names ¹sample_id,
## # ²G2M.Score, ³curated_cell_type
They were able to use tidyseurat’s join_features
select the counts for the genes in the signature, followed by tidyverse
to easily create a column containing the signature
seurat_obj |>
features = c("CD3D", "TRDC", "TRGC1", "TRGC2", "CD8A", "CD8B"),
shape = "wide",
assay = "SCT"
) |>
mutate(signature_score =
scales::rescale(CD3D + TRDC + TRGC1 + TRGC2, to=c(0,1)) -
scales::rescale(CD8A + CD8B, to=c(0,1))
) |>
select(signature_score, everything())
## # A Seurat-tibble abstraction: 33,215 × 25
## # Features=6 | Cells=33215 | Active assay=SCT | Assays=RNA, SCT
## .cell signa…¹ file sampl…² sample Barcode batch BCB S.Score G2M.S…³ Phase
## <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 1_AAA… 0.165 ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAACGA… 1 BCB1… 0.0620 -0.0972 S
## 2 1_AAA… 0.0647 ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAACGC… 1 BCB1… 0.0943 -0.193 S
## 3 1_AAA… 0.241 ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAACGC… 1 BCB1… 0.0216 -0.124 S
## 4 1_AAA… 0.104 ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGAA… 1 BCB1… 0.0598 -0.196 S
## 5 1_AAA… 0.165 ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGGA… 1 BCB1… 0.0281 -0.0540 S
## 6 1_AAA… 0.208 ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGGG… 1 BCB1… 0.0110 -0.0998 S
## 7 1_AAA… 0 ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGGG… 1 BCB1… 0.0341 -0.143 S
## 8 1_AAA… 0.104 ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGTC… 1 BCB1… 0.0425 -0.183 S
## 9 1_AAA… 0.165 ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGTC… 1 BCB1… -0.0289 -0.127 G1
## 10 1_AAA… 0.165 ../d… SI-GA-… SI-GA… AAAGTG… 1 BCB1… -0.0551 -0.102 G1
## # … with 33,205 more rows, 14 more variables: curated_cell_type <chr>,
## # nCount_RNA <dbl>, nFeature_RNA <int>, nCount_SCT <dbl>, nFeature_SCT <int>,
## # treatment <fct>, CD3D <dbl>, TRDC <dbl>, TRGC1 <dbl>, TRGC2 <dbl>,
## # CD8A <dbl>, CD8B <dbl>, UMAP_1 <dbl>, UMAP_2 <dbl>, and abbreviated
## # variable names ¹signature_score, ²sample_id, ³G2M.Score
The gamma delta T cells could then be visualised by the signature score using Seurat’s visualisation functions.
seurat_obj |>
features = c("CD3D", "TRDC", "TRGC1", "TRGC2", "CD8A", "CD8B"),
shape = "wide",
assay = "SCT"
) |>
mutate(signature_score =
scales::rescale(CD3D + TRDC + TRGC1+ TRGC2, to=c(0,1)) -
scales::rescale(CD8A + CD8B, to=c(0,1))
) |>
Seurat::FeaturePlot(features = "signature_score", min.cutoff = 0)
The cells could also be visualised using the popular and powerful ggplot package, enabling the researcher to use ggplot functions they were familiar with, and to customise the plot with great flexibility.
seurat_obj |>
features = c("CD3D", "TRDC", "TRGC1", "TRGC2", "CD8A", "CD8B"),
shape = "wide",
assay = "SCT"
) |>
mutate(signature_score =
scales::rescale(CD3D + TRDC + TRGC1+ TRGC2, to=c(0,1)) -
scales::rescale(CD8A + CD8B, to=c(0,1))
) |>
# plot cells with high score last so they're not obscured by other cells
arrange(signature_score) |>
ggplot(aes(UMAP_1, UMAP_2, color = signature_score)) +
geom_point(size=0.5) +
scale_color_distiller(palette = "Spectral") +
The gamma delta T cells (the blue cluster on the left with high signature score) could be interactively selected from the plot using the tidygate package.
seurat_obj |>
features = c("CD3D", "TRDC", "TRGC1", "TRGC2", "CD8A", "CD8B"),
shape = "wide",
assay = "SCT"
) |>
mutate(signature_score =
scales::rescale(CD3D + TRDC + TRGC1+ TRGC2, to=c(0,1)) -
scales::rescale(CD8A + CD8B, to=c(0,1))
) |>
mutate(gate = tidygate::gate_int(
.size = 0.1,
.color =signature_score
)) |>
For exploratory analyses, we can select the gamma delta T cells, the red cluster on the left with high signature score. We’ll filter for cells with a signature score > 0.7.
sce_obj_gamma_delta <-
sce_obj |>
features = c("CD3D", "TRDC", "TRGC1", "TRGC2", "CD8A", "CD8B"), shape = "wide"
) |>
signature_score =
scales::rescale(CD3D + TRDC + TRGC1 + TRGC2, to = c(0, 1)) -
scales::rescale(CD8A + CD8B, to = c(0, 1))
) |>
# Proper cluster selection should be used instead (see supplementary material)
filter(signature_score > 0.7)
It was then possible to perform analyses on these gamma delta T cells by simply chaining further commands, such as below.
seurat_obj |>
features = c("CD3D", "TRDC", "TRGC1", "TRGC2", "CD8A", "CD8B"),
shape = "wide",
assay = "SCT"
) |>
mutate(signature_score =
scales::rescale(CD3D + TRDC + TRGC1+ TRGC2, to=c(0,1)) -
scales::rescale(CD8A + CD8B, to=c(0,1))
) |>
# Proper cluster selection should be used instead (see supplementary material)
filter(signature_score > 0.7) |>
# Reanalysis
NormalizeData(assay="RNA") |>
FindVariableFeatures(nfeatures = 100, assay="RNA") |>
SplitObject( = "file") |>
RunFastMNN(assay="RNA") |>
RunUMAP(reduction = "mnn", dims = 1:20) |>
FindNeighbors(dims = 1:20, reduction = "mnn") |>
FindClusters(resolution = 0.3)
For comparison, we show the alternative using base R and SingleCellExperiment. Note that the code contains more redundancy and intermediate objects.
counts_positive <-
assay(sce_obj, "logcounts")[c("CD3D", "TRDC", "TRGC1", "TRGC2"), ] |>
colSums() |>
scales::rescale(to = c(0, 1))
counts_negative <-
assay(sce_obj, "logcounts")[c("CD8A", "CD8B"), ] |>
colSums() |>
scales::rescale(to = c(0, 1))
sce_obj$signature_score <- counts_positive - counts_negative
sce_obj_gamma_delta <- sce_obj[, sce_obj$signature_score > 0.7]
# Reanalysis
# ...
As a final note, it’s also possible to do complex and powerful things in a simple way, due to the integration of the tidy transcriptomics packages with the tidy universe. As one example, we can visualise the cells as a 3D plot using plotly.
The example data we’ve been using only contains a few genes, for the sake of time and size in this demonstration, but below is how you could generate the 3 dimensions needed for 3D plot with a full dataset.
single_cell_object |>
RunUMAP(dims = 1:30, n.components = 3L, spread = 0.5,min.dist = 0.01, n.neighbors = 10L)
We’ll demonstrate creating a 3D plot using some data that has 3 UMAP dimensions.
pbmc <- LoveMangiola2022tidytranscriptomics::seurat_obj_UMAP3
# Look at the object
pbmc |> select(contains("UMAP"), everything())
## # A Seurat-tibble abstraction: 33,215 × 17
## # Features=1 | Cells=33215 | Active assay=integrated | Assays=integrated
## .cell file Barcode batch BCB S.Score G2M.S…¹ Phase curat…² PC_1 PC_2
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1_AA… ../d… AAACGA… 1 BCB1… 0.0620 -0.0972 S CD4+_T… -2.06 -1.97
## 2 1_AA… ../d… AAACGC… 1 BCB1… 0.0943 -0.193 S CD8+_h… 1.11 1.23
## 3 1_AA… ../d… AAACGC… 1 BCB1… 0.0216 -0.124 S CD4+_T… -2.38 -2.63
## 4 1_AA… ../d… AAAGAA… 1 BCB1… 0.0598 -0.196 S MAIT -2.31 -1.40
## 5 1_AA… ../d… AAAGGA… 1 BCB1… 0.0281 -0.0540 S CD8+_h… 3.34 2.07
## 6 1_AA… ../d… AAAGGG… 1 BCB1… 0.0110 -0.0998 S MAIT -0.00363 -0.739
## 7 1_AA… ../d… AAAGGG… 1 BCB1… 0.0341 -0.143 S CD8+_h… 1.01 3.40
## 8 1_AA… ../d… AAAGTC… 1 BCB1… 0.0425 -0.183 S MAIT -0.860 0.102
## 9 1_AA… ../d… AAAGTC… 1 BCB1… -0.0289 -0.127 G1 CD8+_h… 2.41 0.645
## 10 1_AA… ../d… AAAGTG… 1 BCB1… -0.0551 -0.102 G1 CD8+_h… 1.57 -0.470
## # … with 33,205 more rows, 6 more variables: PC_3 <dbl>, PC_4 <dbl>,
## # PC_5 <dbl>, UMAP_1 <dbl>, UMAP_2 <dbl>, UMAP_3 <dbl>, and abbreviated
## # variable names ¹G2M.Score, ²curated_cell_type
pbmc |>
x = ~`UMAP_1`,
y = ~`UMAP_2`,
z = ~`UMAP_3`,
color = ~curated_cell_type,
colors = dittoSeq::dittoColors()
) |>
plotly::add_markers(size = I(1))
Next we want to identify genes whose transcription is affected by treatment in this dataset, comparing treated and untreated patients. We can do this with pseudobulk analysis. We aggregate cell-wise transcript abundance into pseudobulk samples and can then perform hypothesis testing using the very well established bulk RNA sequencing tools. For example, we can use DESeq2 in tidybulk to perform differential expression testing. For more details on pseudobulk analysis see here.
We want to do it for each cell type and the tidy transcriptomics ecosystem makes this very easy.
To create pseudobulk samples from the single cell samples, we will
use a helper function called aggregate_cells
, available in
this workshop package. This function will combine the single cells into
a group for each cell type for each sample.
pseudo_bulk <-
seurat_obj |>
LoveMangiola2022tidytranscriptomics::aggregate_cells(c(sample, curated_cell_type), assays = "RNA")
## Joining, by = c("sample", "curated_cell_type")
## # A SummarizedExperiment-tibble abstraction: 369,000 × 12
## # Features=3000 | Samples=123 | Assays=RNA
## .feature .sample RNA sample curat…¹ .aggr…² file sampl…³ batch BCB
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 A1BG-AS1 SI-GA-E5___C… 1 SI-GA… CD4+_T… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0…
## 2 A2M-AS1 SI-GA-E5___C… 14 SI-GA… CD4+_T… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0…
## 3 AAED1 SI-GA-E5___C… 18 SI-GA… CD4+_T… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0…
## 4 ABCA2 SI-GA-E5___C… 4 SI-GA… CD4+_T… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0…
## 5 ABCB1 SI-GA-E5___C… 11 SI-GA… CD4+_T… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0…
## 6 ABCC4 SI-GA-E5___C… 4 SI-GA… CD4+_T… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0…
## 7 ABHD15 SI-GA-E5___C… 6 SI-GA… CD4+_T… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0…
## 8 ABHD17A SI-GA-E5___C… 50 SI-GA… CD4+_T… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0…
## 9 ABHD17B SI-GA-E5___C… 6 SI-GA… CD4+_T… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0…
## 10 ABHD2 SI-GA-E5___C… 12 SI-GA… CD4+_T… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0…
## # … with 40 more rows, 2 more variables: treatment <fct>, feature <chr>, and
## # abbreviated variable names ¹curated_cell_type, ².aggregated_cells,
## # ³sample_id
With tidySummarizedExperiment
and tidybulk
it is easy to split the data into groups and perform analyses on each
without needing to create separate objects.
Function | Description |
aggregate_duplicates |
Aggregate abundance and annotation of duplicated transcripts in a robust way |
identify_abundant keep_abundant
identify or keep the abundant genes |
keep_variable |
Filter for top variable features |
scale_abundance |
Scale (normalise) abundance for RNA sequencing depth |
reduce_dimensions |
Perform dimensionality reduction (PCA, MDS, tSNE, UMAP) |
cluster_elements |
Labels elements with cluster identity (kmeans, SNN) |
remove_redundancy |
Filter out elements with highly correlated features |
adjust_abundance |
Remove known unwanted variation (Combat) |
test_differential_abundance |
Differential transcript abundance testing (DESeq2, edgeR, voom) |
deconvolve_cellularity |
Estimated tissue composition (Cibersort, llsr, epic, xCell, mcp_counter, quantiseq |
test_differential_cellularity |
Differential cell-type abundance testing |
test_stratification_cellularity |
Estimate Kaplan-Meier survival differences |
test_gene_enrichment |
Gene enrichment analyses (EGSEA) |
test_gene_overrepresentation |
Gene enrichment on list of transcript names (no rank) |
test_gene_rank |
Gene enrichment on list of transcript (GSEA) |
impute_missing_abundance |
Impute abundance for missing data points using sample groupings |
We use tidyverse nest
to group the data. The command
below will create a tibble containing a column with a
SummarizedExperiment object for each cell type. nest
similar to tidyverse group_by
, except with
each group is stored in a single row, and can be a
complex object such as a plot or SummarizedExperiment.
pseudo_bulk_nested <-
pseudo_bulk |>
nest(grouped_summarized_experiment = -curated_cell_type)
## # A tibble: 13 × 2
## curated_cell_type grouped_summarized_experiment
## <chr> <list>
## 1 CD4+_Tcm_S100A4_IL32_IL7R_VIM <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 2 CD8+_high_ribonucleosome <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 3 CD8+_Tcm <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 4 CD8+_Tem <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 5 CD8+_transitional_effector_GZMK_KLRB1_LYAR4 <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 6 HSC_lymphoid_myeloid_like <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 7 limphoid_myeloid_like_HLA_CD74 <SmmrzdEx[,4]>
## 8 MAIT <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 9 NK_cells <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 10 NK_cycling <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 11 T_cell:CD8+_other <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 12 TCR_V_Delta_1 <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 13 TCR_V_Delta_2 <SmmrzdEx[,9]>
To explore the grouping, we can use tidyverse slice
choose a row (cell_type) and pull
to extract the values
from a column. If we pull the data column we can view the
SummarizedExperiment object.
## [[1]]
## # A SummarizedExperiment-tibble abstraction: 30,000 × 11
## # Features=3000 | Samples=10 | Assays=RNA
## .feature .sample RNA sample .aggr…¹ file sampl…² batch BCB treat…³
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <fct>
## 1 A1BG-AS1 SI-GA-E5___C… 1 SI-GA… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0… FALSE
## 2 A2M-AS1 SI-GA-E5___C… 14 SI-GA… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0… FALSE
## 3 AAED1 SI-GA-E5___C… 18 SI-GA… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0… FALSE
## 4 ABCA2 SI-GA-E5___C… 4 SI-GA… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0… FALSE
## 5 ABCB1 SI-GA-E5___C… 11 SI-GA… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0… FALSE
## 6 ABCC4 SI-GA-E5___C… 4 SI-GA… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0… FALSE
## 7 ABHD15 SI-GA-E5___C… 6 SI-GA… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0… FALSE
## 8 ABHD17A SI-GA-E5___C… 50 SI-GA… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0… FALSE
## 9 ABHD17B SI-GA-E5___C… 6 SI-GA… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0… FALSE
## 10 ABHD2 SI-GA-E5___C… 12 SI-GA… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0… FALSE
## # … with 40 more rows, 1 more variable: feature <chr>, and abbreviated variable
## # names ¹.aggregated_cells, ²sample_id, ³treatment
We can then identify differentially expressed genes for each cell
type for our condition of interest, treated versus untreated patients.
We use tidyverse map
to apply differential expression
functions to each cell type group in the nested data. The result columns
will be added to the SummarizedExperiment objects.
# Differential transcription abundance
pseudo_bulk_nested <-
pseudo_bulk_nested |>
# map accepts a data column (.x) and a function. It applies the function to each element of the column.
mutate(grouped_summarized_experiment = map(
~ .x |>
# Removing genes with low expression
keep_abundant(factor_of_interest = treatment) |>
# Testing for differential expression using DESeq2
test_differential_abundance(~treatment, method="DESeq2") |>
# Scale abundance for FUTURE visualisation
The output is again a tibble containing a SummarizedExperiment object for each cell type.
## # A tibble: 13 × 2
## curated_cell_type grouped_summarized_experiment
## <chr> <list>
## 1 CD4+_Tcm_S100A4_IL32_IL7R_VIM <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 2 CD8+_high_ribonucleosome <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 3 CD8+_Tcm <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 4 CD8+_Tem <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 5 CD8+_transitional_effector_GZMK_KLRB1_LYAR4 <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 6 HSC_lymphoid_myeloid_like <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 7 limphoid_myeloid_like_HLA_CD74 <SmmrzdEx[,4]>
## 8 MAIT <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 9 NK_cells <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 10 NK_cycling <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 11 T_cell:CD8+_other <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 12 TCR_V_Delta_1 <SmmrzdEx[,10]>
## 13 TCR_V_Delta_2 <SmmrzdEx[,9]>
If we pull out the SummarizedExperiment object for the first cell type, as before, we can see it now has columns containing the differential expression results (e.g. logFC, PValue).
## [[1]]
## # A SummarizedExperiment-tibble abstraction: 14,580 × 21
## # Features=1458 | Samples=10 | Assays=RNA, RNA_scaled
## .feature .sample RNA RNA_s…¹ sample .aggr…² file sampl…³ batch BCB
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 A2M-AS1 SI-GA-E5___C… 14 56.3 SI-GA… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0…
## 2 AAED1 SI-GA-E5___C… 18 72.4 SI-GA… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0…
## 3 ABCA2 SI-GA-E5___C… 4 16.1 SI-GA… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0…
## 4 ABCB1 SI-GA-E5___C… 11 44.2 SI-GA… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0…
## 5 ABHD15 SI-GA-E5___C… 6 24.1 SI-GA… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0…
## 6 ABHD17A SI-GA-E5___C… 50 201. SI-GA… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0…
## 7 ABHD17B SI-GA-E5___C… 6 24.1 SI-GA… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0…
## 8 ABHD2 SI-GA-E5___C… 12 48.3 SI-GA… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0…
## 9 ABHD5 SI-GA-E5___C… 5 20.1 SI-GA… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0…
## 10 ABI2 SI-GA-E5___C… 22 88.5 SI-GA… 372 ../d… SI-GA-… 2 BCB0…
## # … with 40 more rows, 11 more variables: treatment <fct>, TMM <dbl>,
## # multiplier <dbl>, feature <chr>, .abundant <lgl>, baseMean <dbl>,
## # log2FoldChange <dbl>, lfcSE <dbl>, stat <dbl>, pvalue <dbl>, padj <dbl>,
## # and abbreviated variable names ¹RNA_scaled, ².aggregated_cells, ³sample_id
We can analyse our nested dataset mapping queries across the
pseudo_bulk_nested =
pseudo_bulk_nested |>
# Identify top significant genes
mutate(top_genes = map_chr(
~ .x |>
pivot_transcript() |>
arrange(pvalue) |>
head(1) |>
)) |>
# Filter top gene
mutate(grouped_summarized_experiment = map2(
grouped_summarized_experiment, top_genes,
~ filter(.x, .feature == .y)
## # A tibble: 13 × 3
## curated_cell_type grouped_summarized_expe…¹ top_g…²
## <chr> <list> <chr>
## 1 CD4+_Tcm_S100A4_IL32_IL7R_VIM <SmmrzdEx[,10]> MIAT
## 2 CD8+_high_ribonucleosome <SmmrzdEx[,10]> PPBP
## 3 CD8+_Tcm <SmmrzdEx[,10]> SH3BGR…
## 4 CD8+_Tem <SmmrzdEx[,10]> MT-CO1
## 5 CD8+_transitional_effector_GZMK_KLRB1_LYAR4 <SmmrzdEx[,10]> TYROBP
## 6 HSC_lymphoid_myeloid_like <SmmrzdEx[,10]> GABPB1…
## 7 limphoid_myeloid_like_HLA_CD74 <SmmrzdEx[,4]> GNLY
## 8 MAIT <SmmrzdEx[,10]> MT-CO1
## 9 NK_cells <SmmrzdEx[,10]> MT-CO1
## 10 NK_cycling <SmmrzdEx[,10]> CD3G
## 11 T_cell:CD8+_other <SmmrzdEx[,10]> CTSW
## 12 TCR_V_Delta_1 <SmmrzdEx[,10]> PRF1
## 13 TCR_V_Delta_2 <SmmrzdEx[,9]> MT-CO1
## # … with abbreviated variable names ¹grouped_summarized_experiment, ²top_genes
Plot top differential genes
pseudo_bulk_nested =
pseudo_bulk_nested |>
# Plot significant genes for each cell type
# map2 is map that accepts 2 input columns (.x, .y) and a function
mutate(plot = map2(
~ .x |>
# Plot
ggplot(aes(treatment, RNA_scaled + 1)) +
geom_boxplot(aes(fill = treatment)) +
geom_jitter() +
scale_y_log10() +
facet_wrap(~.feature, ncol = 3) +
ggtitle(.y) +
## # A tibble: 13 × 4
## curated_cell_type grouped_summarize…¹ top_g…² plot
## <chr> <list> <chr> <lis>
## 1 CD4+_Tcm_S100A4_IL32_IL7R_VIM <SmmrzdEx[,10]> MIAT <gg>
## 2 CD8+_high_ribonucleosome <SmmrzdEx[,10]> PPBP <gg>
## 3 CD8+_Tcm <SmmrzdEx[,10]> SH3BGR… <gg>
## 4 CD8+_Tem <SmmrzdEx[,10]> MT-CO1 <gg>
## 5 CD8+_transitional_effector_GZMK_KLRB1_LYAR4 <SmmrzdEx[,10]> TYROBP <gg>
## 6 HSC_lymphoid_myeloid_like <SmmrzdEx[,10]> GABPB1… <gg>
## 7 limphoid_myeloid_like_HLA_CD74 <SmmrzdEx[,4]> GNLY <gg>
## 8 MAIT <SmmrzdEx[,10]> MT-CO1 <gg>
## 9 NK_cells <SmmrzdEx[,10]> MT-CO1 <gg>
## 10 NK_cycling <SmmrzdEx[,10]> CD3G <gg>
## 11 T_cell:CD8+_other <SmmrzdEx[,10]> CTSW <gg>
## 12 TCR_V_Delta_1 <SmmrzdEx[,10]> PRF1 <gg>
## 13 TCR_V_Delta_2 <SmmrzdEx[,9]> MT-CO1 <gg>
## # … with abbreviated variable names ¹grouped_summarized_experiment, ²top_genes
pseudo_bulk_nested |> pull(plot)
## [[1]]
## [[2]]
## [[3]]
## [[4]]
## [[5]]
## [[6]]
## [[7]]
## [[8]]
## [[9]]
## [[10]]
## [[11]]
## [[12]]
## [[13]]
Session Information
## R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/
## locale:
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats4 stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods
## [8] base
## other attached packages:
## [1] tidySummarizedExperiment_1.9.1 SummarizedExperiment_1.26.1
## [3] Biobase_2.56.0 GenomicRanges_1.48.0
## [5] GenomeInfoDb_1.32.4 IRanges_2.30.1
## [7] S4Vectors_0.34.0 BiocGenerics_0.42.0
## [9] MatrixGenerics_1.8.1 matrixStats_0.63.0
## [11] tidybulk_1.11.1 purrr_0.3.5
## [13] tidyr_1.2.1 glue_1.6.2
## [15] tidyseurat_0.5.4 ttservice_0.2.2
## [17] dittoSeq_1.8.1 colorspace_2.0-3
## [19] dplyr_1.0.10 ggplot2_3.4.0
## [21] SeuratObject_4.1.3 Seurat_4.3.0
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] utf8_1.2.2
## [2] spatstat.explore_3.0-5
## [3] reticulate_1.26
## [4] tidyselect_1.2.0
## [5] RSQLite_2.2.19
## [6] AnnotationDbi_1.58.0
## [7] htmlwidgets_1.5.4
## [8] grid_4.2.1
## [9] BiocParallel_1.30.4
## [10] Rtsne_0.16
## [11] munsell_0.5.0
## [12] codetools_0.2-18
## [13] ragg_1.2.4
## [14] ica_1.0-3
## [15] preprocessCore_1.58.0
## [16] future_1.29.0
## [17] miniUI_0.1.1.1
## [18] withr_2.5.0
## [19] spatstat.random_3.0-1
## [20] progressr_0.11.0
## [21] highr_0.9
## [22] knitr_1.41
## [23] SingleCellExperiment_1.18.1
## [24] ROCR_1.0-11
## [25] tensor_1.5
## [26] listenv_0.8.0
## [27] labeling_0.4.2
## [28] GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.8
## [29] polyclip_1.10-4
## [30] bit64_4.0.5
## [31] farver_2.1.1
## [32] pheatmap_1.0.12
## [33] rprojroot_2.0.3
## [34] parallelly_1.32.1
## [35] vctrs_0.5.1
## [36] generics_0.1.3
## [37] xfun_0.35
## [38] R6_2.5.1
## [39] locfit_1.5-9.6
## [40] bitops_1.0-7
## [41] spatstat.utils_3.0-1
## [42] cachem_1.0.6
## [43] DelayedArray_0.22.0
## [44] promises_1.2.0.1
## [45] scales_1.2.1
## [46] gtable_0.3.1
## [47] globals_0.16.2
## [48] goftest_1.2-3
## [49] rlang_1.0.6
## [50] genefilter_1.78.0
## [51] systemfonts_1.0.4
## [52] splines_4.2.1
## [53] lazyeval_0.2.2
## [54] spatstat.geom_3.0-3
## [55] BiocManager_1.30.19
## [56] yaml_2.3.6
## [57] reshape2_1.4.4
## [58] abind_1.4-5
## [59] crosstalk_1.2.0
## [60] httpuv_1.6.6
## [61] tools_4.2.1
## [62] ellipsis_0.3.2
## [63] jquerylib_0.1.4
## [64] RColorBrewer_1.1-3
## [65] ggridges_0.5.4
## [66] Rcpp_1.0.9
## [67] plyr_1.8.8
## [68] zlibbioc_1.42.0
## [69] RCurl_1.98-1.9
## [70] deldir_1.0-6
## [71] pbapply_1.6-0
## [72] cowplot_1.1.1
## [73] zoo_1.8-11
## [74] ggrepel_0.9.2
## [75] cluster_2.1.4
## [76] fs_1.5.2
## [77] magrittr_2.0.3
## [78] data.table_1.14.6
## [79] scattermore_0.8
## [80] lmtest_0.9-40
## [81] RANN_2.6.1
## [82] fitdistrplus_1.1-8
## [83] hms_1.1.2
## [84] patchwork_1.1.2
## [85] mime_0.12
## [86] evaluate_0.18
## [87] xtable_1.8-4
## [88] XML_3.99-0.13
## [89] gridExtra_2.3
## [90] compiler_4.2.1
## [91] tibble_3.1.8
## [92] crayon_1.5.2
## [93] KernSmooth_2.23-20
## [94] htmltools_0.5.4
## [95] later_1.3.0
## [96] tzdb_0.3.0
## [97] geneplotter_1.74.0
## [98] DBI_1.1.3
## [99] MASS_7.3-58.1
## [100] Matrix_1.5-3
## [101] readr_2.1.3
## [102] cli_3.4.1
## [103] LoveMangiola2022tidytranscriptomics_0.14.0
## [104] parallel_4.2.1
## [105] igraph_1.3.5
## [106] pkgconfig_2.0.3
## [107] pkgdown_2.0.6
## [108] sp_1.5-1
## [109] plotly_4.10.1
## [110] spatstat.sparse_3.0-0
## [111] annotate_1.74.0
## [112] bslib_0.4.1
## [113] XVector_0.36.0
## [114] stringr_1.5.0
## [115] digest_0.6.31
## [116] sctransform_0.3.5
## [117] RcppAnnoy_0.0.20
## [118] Biostrings_2.64.1
## [119] spatstat.data_3.0-0
## [120] rmarkdown_2.18
## [121] leiden_0.4.3
## [122] uwot_0.1.14
## [123] edgeR_3.38.4
## [124] shiny_1.7.3
## [125] lifecycle_1.0.3
## [126] nlme_3.1-160
## [127] jsonlite_1.8.4
## [128] desc_1.4.2
## [129] viridisLite_0.4.1
## [130] limma_3.52.4
## [131] fansi_1.0.3
## [132] pillar_1.8.1
## [133] lattice_0.20-45
## [134] KEGGREST_1.36.3
## [135] fastmap_1.1.0
## [136] httr_1.4.4
## [137] survival_3.4-0
## [138] png_0.1-8
## [139] bit_4.0.5
## [140] stringi_1.7.8
## [141] sass_0.4.4
## [142] blob_1.2.3
## [143] textshaping_0.3.6
## [144] DESeq2_1.36.0
## [145] memoise_2.0.1
## [146] irlba_2.3.5.1
## [147] future.apply_1.10.0